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Beehaus - Record Book

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€ 5,54
Nota bene: Engelstalig.

The Omlet Beehaus Record Book is just the thing you need when inspecting your colony. Fill in the pages everytime your check your colony and it will become an invaluable diary of the way your bees change from season to season. It will help you understand your colony well and you will bee-come a better beekeeper all round.

Each page allows you to record information on the weather conditions, the bees, the stores, the swarm signs, artificial swarm control, supers, health and extra notes. There is also a diagram of the Beehaus section that can be shaded to record the position of the queen, frames, clearer boards and feed.


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Beehaus - Record Book

5 Sterren:

4 Sterren:

3 Sterren:

2 Sterren:

1 Ster: